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Here is the list of media personel that are embedded within the Division Units.
Sorry this information did not get out to you sooner then now.

Master Sergeant William J Bonney
1st Marine Division, G-7
Division Readiness Chief
DSN 365-0332
Comm (760)725-0332

1st MarDiv
CE NPR U.S. Radio Burnett, John F
NY Times U.S. Newspaper Kifner, John
NY Times U.S. Newspaper Mohammed, Ozier
El Correo Intl Newspaper Gallego, Mercedes
LA Times U.S. Newspaper Perry, Tony
CE Total 5

1st Bn/4th Mar
LA Times U.S. Newspaper Loomis, Rick
4 Richmond Times Disp U.S. Newspaper Bowman, Rex L.
Philadelphia Inquirer U.S. Newspaper Gerlin, Andrea NMI
Knight-Ridder U.S. News Service Alcala, Pablo

3rd Bn/1st Mar
North County Times Local Newspaper Mortensen, Darren
North County Times Local Newspaper Palmour, Hayne
Reuters - Photo Intl Wire Service Sagolj, Damir
Reuters - Print Intl Wire Service Maguire, Sean

2nd Bn/23rd Mar
AFP Intl Wire Service Guez, Jack
AFP Intl Wire Service Hoskinson, Charles E.
Stars and Stripes U.S. Newspaper Oliva, Mark
Asahi Shimbun Intl Newspaper Nojima, Tsuyoshi

2nd LAR Bn
CBS TV U.S. TV Robertson John D.
CBS TV U.S. TV Spitzer, Kirk
CBS TV U.S. TV Joyce, Randall
CBS TV U.S. TV Starling, Patrick
RCT-1 Total 16

1st Bn/5th Mar
UPI U.S. Wire Service Tomkins, Richard J.
AP Radio U.S. Radio Simpson, Ross W.
Orange County Register U.S. Newspaper Dillow, Gordon
Orange County Register U.S. Newspaper Avery, Mark D.

2nd Bn/5th Mar
Globe TV Local Documentary Cerre Michael N
Globe TV Local Documentary Elwell, James M
Denver Post U.S. Newspaper Cross, James A.
Newsday U.S. Tayler, Letta M.

3rd Bn/5th Mar
NBC TV U.S. TV Klimovitz, Joseph
NBC TV U.S. TV Reid, Charles H.
NBC TV U.S. TV Zito, John
Baltimore Sun U.S. Newspaper Murphy, John
Baltimore Sun U.S. Newspaper Makely, John

2nd Tank Bn
Belo U.S. News Service Meyer, Cheryl A
CBS Radio U.S. Radio Milford, William R.
Providence Journal U.S. Newspaper Landers, James M.
Newsweek 1 U.S. Magazine Jacques, Ron

1st LAR Bn Organization
ABC TV U.S. TV Green, Matthew N
ABC TV U.S. TV Woodruff, Robert W
ABC TV U.S. TV Brown, Quincy
ABC TV U.S. TV Brolan, James
SD Union Tribune U.S. Newspaper Crawley, James W.F.
Copley News Service U.S. News Service Grafton, Earnie R.
RCT-5 Total 23

1st Bn/7th Mar
CNN TV U.S. TV McWhinnie, Scott
CNN TV U.S. TV Savidge, Martin
CNN TV U.S. TV Smith, Richard
CNN TV U.S. TV Kane, Gerrard
Wash Post U.S. Newspaper Finer, Jonathan J.
Chicago Tribune U.S. Newspaper Osnos, Evan

3rd Bn/7th Mar
Combat Films Local Documentary Billingsley, Dodge
Combat Films Local Documentary Chamberlain, Doug H
WSJ U.S. Newspaper Phillips, Michael M.
AP U.S. Wire Service Rauch, Laura A.
AP U.S. Wire Service Nessman, Ravi M.
St. Louis Post U.S. Newspaper Harris, Ronald J.
St. Louis Post U.S. Newspaper Cutraro, Andrew

3rd Bn/4th Mar
SF Chronicle U.S. Newspaper Koopman, John D
Time U.S. Magazine Nickelsberg, Robert Paul
Time U.S. Magazine Robinson, Simon
National Geographic U.S. Magazine Scruka, Gary

1st Tank Bn
Boston Herald U.S. Newspaper Takahashi, Kuni
Talk Radio News U.S. Radio Espinoza, Cholene D
USA Today U.S. Newspaper Smith, Elliott B
RCT-7 Total 20

3rd LAR Bn
Fox TV U.S. TV Galdabini, Christian
Fox TV U.S. TV Leventhal, Richard G
Fox TV U.S. TV Grubish, Dusty
National Post (Canada) Intl Newspaper Fisher, Matthew R
Deutsche Press Intl Newspaper Gambarini, Mauricio

11th Marine (Arty)
1st Bn/11th Mar AP TV 1 U.S. TV Dam Van, Yves J.
AP TV U.S. TV Harmer, Jeremy G.J.
AP TV U.S. TV Hockaday, Dai

2nd Bn/11th Mar
London Times Int'l Newspaper Ayres, Christopher R
Boston Globe U.S. Newspaper Nelson, Scott
BBC TV Intl TV Willis, David R
BBC TV Intl TV Hiney, Mark A
BBC TV Intl TV Beale, Mark

3rd Bn/11th Mar
VOA U.S. Radio Block, Deborah T.
Nat'l Journal U.S. Magazine Wilson, George C
Marine Corps Times U.S. Newspaper Brinkley, C Mark
Marine Corps Times U.S. Newspaper McCreshin, Jud

5th Bn/11th Mar
GS Sidney AM Herald Int'l Newspaper Murdock, Lindsay
11th Mar Total 12

1st Recon Bn
Rolling Stone U.S. Magazine Wright, Evan A.
Total 1

1st Combat Eng Bn
The Ledger, Lakeland, FL U.S. Newspaper Allen, Diane L
Pittsburgh Tribune Rev. U.S. Newspaper Prine, Carl
Total 2

2nd/3d/4th AAV Bn
MBC (Dubai) Intl TV Waiel Dr., Awwan
MBC (Dubai) Intl TV El Masri, Talal F
MBC (Dubai) Intl TV Talal, Ahmad
Sun Herald - Gulfport, MS 1 Local Newspaper Patrick, Peterson
Total 4


For those interested in the perspective of yet another journalist embedded with 2/5 look to the Denver Post ( and search under Andy Cross.

The following is a link to his most recent piece:,1413,36%257E27059%257E1284194,00.html

Huge arms cache seized
By Andy Cross
Denver Post Staff Photographer

Monday, March 31, 2003 - Marines fighting their way northward in central Iraq captured a large enemy ammunition site Sunday and found something startling there: U.S.- made weapons.

A Marine is silhouetted Sunday at an entrance to a large ammunition dump that U.S. troops captured in central Iraq. The cache even included aging U.S. weapons.

Among the massive piles of artillery rounds, mines and grenades jammed into - and even overflowing - the bunkers were several pieces of U.S. ammunition, including aging bangalore torpedoes.

"We found routing documents that were for U.S. weapons systems," said Capt. Myle Hammond, the commanding officer of Golf Company of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines. "In one specific instance, (there were) U.S. weapons that had been sold to Saudi Arabia, the paperwork was transferred to Yemen and now the weapons systems are here in Iraq in this compound."

The Marines, among the frontline troops in the coalition's northward push toward Baghdad, captured the site after heavy fighting. Members of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, battled members of Iraq's Fedayeen Saddam militia and the elite Republican Guard, Hammond said. After that, Hammond's troops took over the area.

They found a sprawling ammunition site, measuring more than a half-mile square. There are about 50 concrete structures filled with munitions, and what didn't fit in the buildings was piled in berms around them. "Literally just within this facility, there is enough ammunition to supply a small army," Hammond said.