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Sears is Providing Financially for Employees Who are Reservists on Active Duty - this is true!

Summary of the eRumor
The eRumor says that Sears is doing more than the law requires by paying the
difference between active duty pay and their salaries for reservists called to serve and providing other benefits

The Truth
According to a spokesman for Sears, the company has extended the period in
which it will make up the difference between active duty pay and normal salary
from 30 days to 24 months.
Medical, dental, and life insurance are extended as well.
The employee pays part and the company pays part.
Sears is also offering a make-up plan on 401K plans so a reservist will not lose
retirement benefits.

Although Sears is the focus of this particular eRumor, there are numerous other
companies offering financial help to reservists who are on active duty.