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Thanks Jennifer

Here is a link to a story in the Orlando Sentinal I think you all will enjoy. Its a little long but a good read. I think the reporters are now more aware of what a Marine is, but they will still never figure us out ... :>)

Simply Semper Fi

By Roger Roy | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted April 27, 2003

Orlando Sentinel journalist Roger Roy takes in the Iraqi scenery, or lack thereof, while a Marine convoy is delayed by sniper fire and awaits a flyby check by helicopters along the convoy route. (WAYNE WOOLLEY/(NEWARK, N.J.) STAR-LEDGER) April 26, 2003 -- Aditional pictures in the article

The gas mask had hung at my hip for so long it felt almost permanently attached, and I'd gotten to where I'd reflexively reach down to make sure it was there, like checking for keys before locking the car door.

But now I handed the mask and the rest of my issued gear to the Army Captain, and he checked off his list: atropine injectors, pants and jacket to my chemical-weapons suit, rubber overboots and gloves. He marked off the list and slid it over the counter, and I signed it.

"You are now officially disembedded," he told me, and I'd been around Marines so much I was almost startled he hadn't said, "Good to go," the Corps' catchall phrase that means you're ready for anything, ............

The rest of the story is on the site of the following link

Link to Story <>