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This page contains contact information for all the members of Echo Company.

Alphabetical listing, by last name:

This page was last updated 18 Dec 1999


Acker, John

I am very proud to have served in the Marine Corp from l984-l988,I served with Echo Co. 2/5
weapons Plt. as a mortar man. Though my time with Echo Co. from I believe from 86'to88' was all in peacetime,I was still proud to serve in the 5th Marines and felt fully capable of anything that was to come down.I would also like to complement each and every person that went through the experience of Vietnam and even I noticed a man from the frozen chosin'......a job well done!!!!

Lewiston Me. 04240

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Barns, Jim

I served with Echo Co with a machine gun team and then as a radioman from July 1970 to Feb 1971 when the unit was re-deployed. I then transferred to H&S Co, 2/1 and got a rear job. Names are difficult to remember. I was on the patrol in Aug 70 when Don Hilliard was killed while we humped out of a rice paddy near Liberty Road. I recall nights standing bridge watch at Liberty Bridge capping off rounds at whatever floated in the river. I recall humping the Que Sons and finding an NVA camp with discarded rifles and medical gear. I appreciate the efforts to establish this site and hope to make contact with former marine buddies. I graduated from MCRD San Diego with Plt 1178 in Dec 1969.

3151 Adirondack Drive NE
Cedar Rapids,Ia 52406
(319) 364-5797

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Birchard, David

I landed with 2/5 off the ship in Chu Lai in 1966. Was married have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Moved to the San Diego area about two months ago.


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Blessing, Patrick

I served as CO of E 2/5 from January to July 1997. I tried to extend but was turned down by the most chickenshit battalion commander in the Marine Corps--the troops will know what I am talking about. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about Vietnam and the commitment and sacrifice of the Marines I was honored to serve with.

I am very happy to see that Bill Munson, Joseph Silvestri, John Porras, are back and to again contact the greatest platoon sergeant, and platoon commander, the Marine Corps produced in Vietnam, Chuck Webb.

I stayed in the regulars until 1969--my last tour was in Oakland, CA doing casualty calls, going to funerals, giving out free flags, etc. I saw the costs of the war on ordinary Americans up close.

I volunteered to go back for the Gulf War and they took me in my old age.  I spent the war in the rear with the gear, with the Marine Corps Battle Assessment Team. I saw the same courage and commitment by Marines that I saw in Vietnam. And I saw the same concern with career advancement that I saw in Vietnam on the part of those above the rifle company.

For the first time in American history we had a war where all the heroes wore several stars or served in high political office. Almost half a million enlisted men and not a single enlisted hero. Furthermore, the two biggest heroes, Schwarzkopf and Powell, have since declined to put their
energies into dealing with the Gulf illness--they would rather advance their own interests at $60,000 a pop for a public appearance. Meanwhile over 90,000 troops have registered with the veteran's Administration Gulf Illness program. As they told us back in the sixties--we don't promise you a rose garden.

I am presently working at writing for a living--I am finishing a big book on the Gulf War. I have wrestled with the Vietnam dreams on occasion.  They come when I least expect them. But there is a good side too. Deeply embedded in my brain is the image of young Americans, somewhere in the world and against all odds, unafraid to commit themselves for a cause and for their fellow Marines. Semper Fi.

Pat Blessing.

570 Fairway Ln
Bloomington, IN 47403

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Clark, Larry

Served with E-2-5 from Feb67-Feb68. Plt Sgt primarily with 1st Plt, but also 2nd and 3rd.  WIA 19Feb68. Med-evaced to Naval Hosp., Beaufort, SC. Transferred to Permanent Disability Retired List 17Mar69. SSgt/0369.  Still stay in touch with, and actively involved with USMC. Currently serving as Commandant Marine Corps League Det.829, Columbia, SC.

141 King George Way
Columbia, SC, 29210
(803) 798-7678

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Crivello, Joseph

I joined Easy Co. on or about 24 Nov 1950 at the Chosin Reservoir.  I was a radio operator with B-1-11 when they sent me as a replacement for B FO 2 forward observer team.  I was eventually evacuated with frostbite from Hagaru on Dec. 5. After leaving the hospital I spent the remainder of my enlistment at Quantico.  I was discharged in Nov 1952.

113 Stoneleigh Road
Bel Air, Maryland, 21014-2837
(410) 879-8037

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Croft, Robert

I served two tours in Nam,68-69 with Fox Co.2/3/3rd Mar.Div.The 2nd tour,was with Echo Co.2/5,but it was with 1st Mar.Div.Is this page for the 1st or the 3rd Mar.Div.?

Sgt-Served two tours in nam.  Served with Fox Co 2/3/3rd Mar Div,from 2-68 to 11-69 & with Echo Co 2/5/1st Mar Div from 11-69 to 3-70,WIA Quang Nam Prov.

PO,Box 413
Soddy Daisy,Tn.37384
(423) 843-2137

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Gant, Bruce "DOC"

I was senior corpsman for Echo from 6/68-12/68. I arrived in in Phu Bai, went to Langco Bridge, then went on ops around An Hoa. In 12/68, I was transferred to 5th Mar Regt Aid station, leaving there in 6/68. I have 2 (too many) Purple Hearts that I received in the bush. I have been a State Farm insurance agent since 1980.

PO Box 699
Rex, Ga 30281
(770) 473-6759

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Golembieski, Thomas

25791 Pond view drive
New Boston, Mich 48164
(734) 677-5354

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Greene, J. Don

I was with E/2/5 when we landed on that Easter Sunday. I have been trying for a long time to locate some of the guys I served with. I was transferred to E/2/7 shortly after "Starlight"? But remember a lot of good people from that unit. Will always remember Lt. Thompson, Cpl. Batillo, Sgt Gaston, and Sgt James to name a few. I sincerely hope some if not all made it out of RVN.

1030 Claudine N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87112
dgreene@bernco.gov or

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Guidice, Chuck "Doc"

I was a corpsman with Echo 2/5 from March 70 to October 70. I was with India 3/26 prior to joining 2/5. I was there the same time as Doc Mike Weems, Don Macia, Jack Raffoler, Swain, Pittman, Preacher, Bachman, Lt Ross, O'Keefe, Cortez, Sugar Bear, Norwood, Mississippi, and many more. I haven't forgotten, just too many. I think about the time I spent with all of you most every day. I hope everyone is well and doing good in life.

3531 S. Richfield Circle
Aurora, Colorado 80013
(303) 676-3688

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Hollis, Dean

I was a machine gunner with 5th marines and served in viet nam from 1970-1971.   I am trying to locate anyone that served in this unit with me.  I am seeking a Bill Penn that served with me, Bill was from the Austin,TX area.

Here is the picture of squad from vietnam. Quangnam Province 1971.

4621 Lariat Trail
Fort Worth,TX 76180
1-800-425-7423 ext.234

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Hoover, Bob

2nd platoon radioman Oct 67 - Aug 68

720 Bowen St.
Dayton, OH 45410-2512
(937) 254-3338

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Houchin, Darcey (James bother of)

Hello I'm James, younger bother of Darcey Houchin KIA March 18, 1969.

Interested in photos or stories of 1 ST Marine Division ECHO Co. 2/5.

ECHO Co. 2/5 1 Marine Divison (REIN) FMF, Vietnam
1st Plt. 3rd Squad FPO. San Fransico

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Jacobs, George "Buz"

404 Merryman Drive
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
(812) 283-5359

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Kamalic, John

johnnyguam1.jpg (22151 bytes) I just wanted to wish everyone good luck and good fortune. Welcome home all you dudes.

I was in Nam 68-69 1 Mar Div. 0331 E2/5 Some Ops; Op Houston; Mamaluke Thrust; Sussex Bay; Maui Peak; Henderson Hill; Meade River; Taylor Common; Etc. I was medivacced to Danang and while in DaNang Hospital got to meet actor Jimmy Stewart, & Gypsey Rose Lee .. Plus since out of the bush-I got to meet & see the Bob Hope Show, hugged Anne Margeret, and smoke one with Rosie Greer. I then got sent to Yokuska, Japan then Guam Naval Hosp. then Phila Naval. When I graduated college from Baldwin Wallace College in 77 BA Political Science I freaked when I met Bob Hope who passed out the diplomas-go figure.

One thing about being in the bush-As you guys know, we all humped 2 sticks of C-4 for blowing bunkers-so during the rainy season when the dude from CP was collecting sticks of C-4 I kept mine, since I knew what they wanted it for-Ah Yes, you guessed it- I used it to heat up my C-rat coffee too. Live long & prosper and check out the best Vet web site on the planet "NVO.ORG"
later John T. Kamalic aka Johnny the real cool guy.

10301 Lake Ave. #401
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
(216) 281-1962

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Kinder, Joseph

I was CO of E-2-5 from early July through the end of Sept. 1967. As senior company commander; I was involuntarily transferred to the 1st mar div staff as the industrial relations officer for over 1600 Vietnamese nationals working for units of the division. My memories of E-2-5 include: 43 days of Phu Loc(6), Liberty Bridge and Road, VC ambush of G Co. Patrol near An Hoa, Operation Ballistic Charger II, and many brave marines and corpsmen. Lt. Tuitle, became CO upon my departure and was later a KIA with a cap unit.
I left VN in Jul. 1968 and left the Corps as a Major in 1970. Since then, I have been a public schools teacher and principal in the same school district and will retire in June 1999. I believe those responsible for the establishment and maintenance of this website are to be commended. It is an honor and a continual source of pride to have been associated with those men who fought and served in Echo Company, 2nd BN, 5th Marines. They were truly this country's finest.

449 Allen St.
Brawley 92227
(760) 344-6342

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Munson, William (Bill)

I Embarked on the USNS W.H.Gordon from San Diego Calif. on Nov10,1966  Arrived DaNang on Nov29,1966 as L/Cpl-0311 Departed to AnHoa on C123 with no weapon,plain fatigues,leather boots,and seabag ( nervous) Took incoming fire landing.  Can't remember what Plt. I was assigned to (,don't know why) Participated in operations Mississippi,Lincoln-Nebraska,Tuscolusa and Independence.  Received promotion to Cpl. in Jan67.  Rain,more rain,and lots of mud.  (Does anyone remember areas sprayed or dead foliage on operations?  Also about losing men to drowing keep remembering alfro-american machine gunner Bostic?  I think going down river.  Trying to come home help me if you can.  I also served with LCo-3rd blt 7th Mar on second tour 68-69.  Welcome Home to all of you I'm glad we have this site, thanks.  I 'am very proud and honored to have served with the fifth Marines.  God Bless all of you.

1330 N Countyline St.
Fostoria,Ohio 44830-1982
(419) 435-1746

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O'Keeffe, John "Butch"

I was a member of Alpha squad, 2nd Platoon, Echo 2/5 from Feb 1970 to Feb 1971. Company was located at Liberty Bridge, Liberty Road and the Arizona up until Sept 1970 when An Hoa closed. Moved to LZ Baldy and worked the Que Son Mountains.

Then stationed at Camp Lejeune (C-1/2) for six months, then spent last two years at Marine Barracks 8th&I in Washington, DC.

Over the years, I have stayed in touch with Tim Rider (2nd Plt Guns). Haven't seen Don Macia (Plt Sgt, move to 3rd Plt)and Mike Botkins (2nd Plt Guns) for a number of years. Lost track of MacDonald (Rhode Island) after I got back home. Spoke with Glen Jerrigan (Florida)about 15 years ago.

Lost track of other squad and platoon members. Hopefully, we meet up soon.

6784 Joslyn Place
Worthington, OH 43085-2629
(614) 885-6104

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Porras, John

I was on Hill #69, with some of the best guys in the world.I left Chulai, in 1966, soon after, I mustered, out. I wish that I could , have gotten , names & addresses. I've been searching, for many years. Richard Varela & I have kept in touch for the last 33 years. Hopefully Our next 33, will be better. Just knowing that I've, found some of the guys. SemperFi

(310) 3133078

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Ramirez, Jamie

I served with E 2/5 during the Gulf war.
I'm looking for others who served with me in Echo, Fox, Golf and Weapons Co.
My Platoon cmdr was a hardcharging butter bar named Dean Konstatos.

Semper Fi

25660 Sun Ave
Loma Linda CA 92354
(909) 796-8365

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Shrader, Gordon

shrader.jpg (9373 bytes) I went to Vietnam in either Sept. or Oct. of 1968.
I was WIA on Dec. 1, 1968 on Operation Meade River. 
I am very proud of the fact that I served in the 5th Marines.



Here's a picture of me taken at a class at the University of Nevada, Reno.
I'm back in school to get a MSW.

138 Andalucia Ct.
Sparks, NV 89436
(775) 425-4049

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Silvestri, Joseph

I was with Echo Company from early 1966 to March 23, 1967, Hill 69, Hill 54,etc. Then went up to An Hoa, served on My Loc, Phu Loc, coal mine etc.. Participated in most of operations, got hit on operation New Castle, served remainder of tour at Phila. Naval Hospital. Love to hear from anyone who served during that time. Thanks, Joe (Silver)

Ridley Park, PA

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Varela, Richard

E-2-5 1966 hill#69 CHULAI.

1105 West Fir Ave
Oxnard, Ca 93033
(805) 483-5010
THAJACKELL@aol.com   Updated 1 Jan 99

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Wall, David

While not technically a member of 2/5, I was an FO with E-2/5 for six months (with Capt. Pat Blessing) and the Bn Fire Support Coordinator (with Major Dick Easu) for three months. My unit was E-2/11 co-located with 2/5 at An Hoi and the Cau Dai pennsula (the Tunnel). During Tet 68 my battery supported 2/5 as it fought its way through Hue City.

I rotated back to the states in May 68, reported for I&I duty in Providence RI where I remained for almost 30 years. I stayed on active duty for 5 years and in the Reserves for another 22, retiring in late 92 as a full bird. On occasion, I meet Marines who served with 2/5 such as George Hoffman, Jim Doyle, Pat Blessing, and John Nelson. I have many old pictures of the An Hoi camp which bring back many memories, most of which are positive.

I would be interested in hearing from anybody of that era.

107 North Summit Drive
Schaumburg, IL 60194
(847) 839-1070

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Watkins, Ray


P.O. BOX 733
OTTO NC 27763-0733
(828) 369-2546

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Weems, Mike "Doc"

I was a hospital corpsman assigned to 2nd platoon Echo 2/5 from Nov69-Jul70 then reassigned to BAS 2/5 in An Hoa. We operated in the Arizona, Phu Nauns, Liberty Bridge, Go Noi Island, I have been in touch with "Doc" Guidice but no one else until now. I am glad I found this site and hope to hear from old friends even if you weren't in 2nd platoon I won't hold that against you.

12406 Kestrel St.
San Diego, CA. 92129
(619) 484-7425

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Wildenborg, William

Served with Mark Kaser, Jeff Tubazewski and Kevin Burns in weapons platoon from 1981-84. All 0331's.

7506 W. Van Giesen
West Richland, WA, 99353
(509) 967-2040

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Williams, Sam

2nd Platoon Echo Company 1966-67

17610 Midway Road #134-322
Dallas, Texas 75287-6799

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Wilson, Lewis

Hello, I was in Echo Co.2nd plt. 2nd sq.from Jan.1969 thru Feb.1970, I have been in contact with Doc Baker, Frank Morris,Obbie Marshal, Kerry Neuroth, I'm still looking for Doc Yates, Dan Kirchner and Lt. Frank France also would like to here from all Marines who served with me.

P.O. BOX, 25255
Kansas City Mo. 64119

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Woggon, John

woggon1.jpg (3813 bytes) I was the CO of E 2/5 from August '68 to March '69. We did operations out of An Hoa in the Arizona Territory, the Phu Locs and most notably the relief of the Thong Duc Special Forces Camp in October of '68. We took Hill 100 after intense artillery and CAS and, a few days later, repulsed a heavy night attack by the NVA (at great cost to them and us).


Here's my picture. It's a school shot (did I say I'm teaching history now?   Hilton Head High.)

I am very proud to have served in combat with 2/5 -- one of the most prestigious units in the Corps. 2/5 has always been in the lead. It was 2/5 that was in the great final offensive against the 'Huns' in the Great War (1918). 2/5 was the first American unit to attack the Japanese in WW II    (7 August 1942 -- Guadalcanal). In Korea, 2/5 made the landings at Inchon (15 Sept 1950). And 2/5 led the attack into Hue City during Tet. There is no other battalion in the Marine Corps that can make all of these claims. What an honor it is to have served with you.

13 Chickadee Road
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
(843) 681-8813

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