If you served with Fox Company 2/5 in Vietnam and would like to become a member please contact the Locator, Chris Brown, at: fox2alpha@gmail.com PLEASE NOTE: If you find an error, please do a little research and provide us with the updated information. The accuracy of the information on the Fox 2/5 site is the responsibility of everyone. We spend a lot of time doing the updates and doing the research as well is becoming time consuming. Thank you!Search Tip: To search by date on the members page, using Internet Explorer, click on "Edit", then on "Find on this page". You can enter a string of text (67, 1967) and then click next to find each instance on the page. You may have to ignore the numbers in addresses, but this will help you locate fellow Marines for a specific time period. |
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Frateres Aeterni |
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Always Faithful |
Brothers Forever |
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